We capture high-impact images that bring the school’s qualities and character to life.

WashU Medicine photo collections and third-party stock photos provide extensive options for professional photography.

WashU Med photo libraries

The WashU Medicine photo collection on Photoshelter is accessible via WUSTL Key. For assistance contact Theresa Howard at howard.theresa@wustl.edu.

Web-friendly photos curated by WashU Med designers are also available, already sized and optimized for the WashU Web Theme.

Third-party stock images

See the stock photography guide for suggested commercial, government or open sources. Remember to use photos only with permission and to credit sources.


Portrait services are available on campus by appointment.

Working with a freelancer

Our office can connect you with freelance photographers and help you contract services that grant the university all necessary rights to the photography produced.

See the vendor guide for photos »

Find the big picture.

Whether you’re hiring a pro or using your phone, our photo guide will help you plan engaging photos that represent your mission and connect with your audience.



On-campus portrait photography is available by appointment.

Media Release/Consent Forms: Photos, Video, Audio & Testimonials

Showing or quoting non-WashU people gives your message perspective. Here’s how to get permission.

Photo Session Guide

How to prepare and what to expect on the day of your photo session.

Planning New Photos

Find the moments that will connect with audiences and bring your story to life.

PPE Policy for Photos & Video

As a top-notch institution, we follow standard safety practices, which carry through to photos and videos.

Stock Images & Photos

Thousands of WashU Medicine photos are available for use, and third-party stock photos can work in a pinch.

Vendor Guide: Photos

Use this guide to share important info with freelance photographers.