Video can engage your audiences in stories ranging from scientific processes and medical procedures to patient experiences and community impact.
Working with WashU Medicine Marketing & Communications
Our team shoots and produces a limited number of strategically significant videos for WashU Medicine groups. The videos we produce target a large audience beyond the university and are intended to make a measurable impact, especially toward enhancing the national reputation of the medical school.
Working with a vendor
Our team can help you find a vendor with the skills and strengths to meet your needs.
If you work with an outside vendor or self-produce a video, use the video production guidelines to walk through the process, with crossed-T’s, dotted I’s and lower thirds all in the right place.
Zoom Virtual Backgrounds for Video Calls
Download WashU Medicine backgrounds for your Zoom meetings or classes.
Project Brief Template
Set your project up for success by starting with a project brief that gets everyone on the same page.
PPE Policy for Photos & Video
As a top-notch institution, we follow standard safety practices, which carry through to photos and videos.
Media Release/Consent Forms: Photos, Video, Audio & Testimonials
Showing or quoting non-WashU people gives your message perspective. Here’s how to get permission.
Visual Brand Guide
Your group’s story is part of the WashU brand! Use this guide to help build and benefit from our national reputation.
Video Hosting & YouTube Channels
Hosting videos on an official School of Medicine channel means more exposure to your videos – and less work for you.