Official WashU Medicine Logo

The unifying logo for medical education, research, and clinical care.

The WashU Medicine logo will help us build a clear and consistent global reputation for medical innovation and excellence. As this identity gains recognition, individual labs, departments and centers contribute to and benefit from the reputation of the institution as a whole.

Contact the Brand & Marketing team to request usage of the new logo »

WashU Medicine physicians

The clinical practice identity now uses the WashU Medicine logo.

Naming conventions for clinical practices »

Contact FPP Communications and Marketing for guidance and questions »

Branded merchandise and promotional items

Trademark licensing requirements »

Commercial use of Washington University logos

As a rule, Washington University names, trademarks, symbols, logos or images should not appear on commercial websites and other communications.

For details, see the policy on commercial use of university names and symbols.


Hospital Partner and Third-Party Logos

Here’s what you need to know about co-branding with hospital partners and Siteman, as well as use of third-party logos.

Logo Creation

Individual logos dilute our brand, yet differentiation is important. What to do? We’ve got your back.

Merchandise & Promotional Items

Putting a logo on it? Heed trademark licensing requirements for apparel, promotional items and more.

Official WashU Medicine Logo

The unifying logo for medical education, research, and clinical care.